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Sue Borchardt - Visualizing collective learning for peace & social justice in business, community, non-profits, and local government. Baltimore, Maryland, United States


Sue Borchardt is a research artist who uses animation and narrative to document the sense-making of groups on a variety of heady topics such as human motivation, learning & unlearning, adult development, group learning, collective intelligence, and more.

Most of my work is pro-bono, a choice I've made to keep the work freely shareable. It takes me about a month to write, record voice-over, draw, animate, and record & compose music for a five minute video. You can help make this possible by becoming a patron over at Patreon:

Cognitive Edge Artist in Residence

This fall I had the pleasure of being a member of the faculty for a Cynefin retreat on aesthetics and semiotics. It was a deep dive at the intersection of beauty and meaning and was, for me, a rare opportunity to “sense-make” in community [...] I spent these working sessions with a group convened around the sweeping label of “Artist in Residence” [...] Conversations between Cognitive Edge’s Sonja Blignaut and I followed, catalyzing us to put this idea into action: This year at Cognitive Edge I’ll be the first Cynefin artist in residence! (no pressure). Full Story

Short Biography

Sue Borchardt holds a Bachelors Degree in electrical engineering from University of Maryland, and a Masters in Human Development and Psychology from Harvard’s Graduate School of Education. In her early professional life, she designed and prototyped user interfaces for the first generation of color radar displays, and later, query tools and visualizations for the Human Genome Database.

A fascination with the complexity of individual, group, and organizational change efforts motivates her to continue to learn about learning, bringing an ever-expanding set of lenses to her inquiry. Among these are neuroscience, biology, adult development, cognitive science, social psychology, and anthropology. Through her work and continued research, she has collected a treasure trove of theoretical models and frameworks from these domains (Cynefin among them!), as well as generative practices that inform her animations and her explorations with groups.

